DIY| How to Make a Pop Art Ring out of Jellies.

You will need:

- Egg shape jellies.
- Transparent nail varnish.
- Strong glue.
- plane ring.

I'm loving eggs at the moment. Not only for breakfast. I mean visually I want to draw them, paint them, wear them. I love their simplicity, I love the contrast of yellow and white and the perfect yellow circle in the middle. 

You can make this ring  in 5 min and it could last you several weeks or even more depending of  the quality of your glue!  If you think about it is around the same time that  fast fashion  made in China is lasting at the moment, so it is like buying a ring from Primark or F21, the good news are, that you are not supporting work exploitation and that is always good. If you put several layers of nail varnish it  will protect the jelly from disintegrating plus will give a plastic and shiny effect. You can also use other shapes and also make brooches to jazz up your outfits :) Hope you like it!


Estoy encantada con la forma huevo en este momento, no sólo para el desayuno. Quiero decir visualmente quiero dibujarlos, pintarlos, llevarlos. Me encanta su sencillez, me encanta el contraste de color amarillo y el blanco y el círculo amarillo perfecto en el centro.

Puede hacer este anillo en 5 min y te podría durar varias semanas o incluso más, dependiendo de la calidad de tu pegamento! Si lo piensas es alrededor del mismo tiempo que la moda rápida hecha en China esta durando en este momento por lo que es como comprar un anillo de Primark o F21, las buenas noticias es que no estas apoyando a la explotación laboral. Si pones varias capas de barniz de uñas protegerá  a las gomas de la desintegración y ademas les dará un efecto plástico y brillante. También puede utilizar otras formas y también puedes hacer broches para adornar tu ropa :) Espero les guste!

11 comentarios:

  1. Oh my!
    this is soooooo cute >.<

  2. I love it! I'm going to end up wearing a whole bag of haribo, hehe! So simple, I can't wait to try it out. Thanks :) x

  3. Nunca podría hacer este DIY, porque me comería las golosinas antes de arrancar!

  4. Oh, es genial, siempre me da pena comerme las golosinas porque me encantan sus formas y colores, lo tengo que proar si o si!

  5. Es la mejor idea del mundo. Nunca se me hubiera ocurrido, y sí, probablemente lo haga con broches porque soy fan de los pines!

  6. Amazing as always and love this super idea.
    It's crazy and so cool ring <3

    Tnx for comment me :)

  7. This is absolutely adorable and so creative!Thanks for your thoughts.. Have an awesome weekend babe!

  8. how cute!! When I saw the first photo, I thought it was a real soft-boiled egg! neat idea :)

  9. How cute is this?! You are making me think of eggs in a completely new way! I love this so much!

  10. I saw your headline and burst out laughing: you sure dont read headliners like that everyday! I am the total opposite of your egg sentiments. Je deteste le oeuff, ok thats totally not how to say eggs in French, but there you go! When I was younger and my parents would give me fried eggs, I would pretend to eat them and then throw them under the table. Aaah memories...

    Having said aaaall that, I think these egg rings are sooo soooo coooooote!! Food/sweet jewellery hmmmm could be a business/commerce angle there...x

  11. What a cool DIY! I have these charms made out of real gummy bears from like the 70's. They smell foul, lol. Maybe I'll make some new ones.


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